ESB 2023, 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials

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ESB 2023, 33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials

ESB2023’s goal is to promote interactions and collaborations between researchers, educators, clinicians and industry representatives who are interested in biomaterials. Two of the RMeS researchers will participate in this conference: Baptiste Charbonnier and Vianney Delplace.

On the 5th, in the session Dynamic self-assembling biomaterials, Vianney Delplace will present the communication « Boronate ester-based hydrogels for biomedical applications: challenges and opportunities ».

On the 7th, in the Session SSB+RM meets ESB: Beyond the bench: translating research into clinics and industry, Baptiste Charbonnier will present the communication « Personalized reconstruction of cleft palate deformities in dog patients with innovative 3D-printed organo-mineral cements ».

Conference Chair: Matteo D’ Este
Conference co-Chairs: David Eglin, Marcy Zenobi-Wong