Bio-based materials: Fibers, Polymers and Biomass for the Industry of the Future

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description de l'evenement

Bio-based materials: Fibers, Polymers and Biomass for the Industry of the Future

The workshop is part of the ANR MAGNELIN 4D project on Functional Lignin-based 4D Composites by Additive Manufacturing with AI improved Magnetic triggering performance, and it is coordinated by Sofiane Guessasma (INRAE, BIA).


  • Opening speech: Emmanuelle CHEVASSUS-LOZZA (INRAE Pays de la Loire), Christophe BINETRUY (ECN)), Johnny BEAUGRAND (INRAE)
  • Jörg Müssig (HSB – City University of Applied Sciences, Germany) Cotton fibre-reinforced composites in the automotive sector using the example of the trabant small car series – a historical as well as technical assessment and evaluation
  • Alain Bourmaud (Université de Bretagne Sud) Story of plant fibers for composite reinforcement: when cell walls bite the dust
  • François Mahe  (NU-ECN) Une modélisation du comportement mécanique en compression de milieux fibreux à structure aléatoire
  • Bénédicte Bakan (INRAE-BIA) Assembly of tomato fruit cuticles: a cross‐talk between the cutin polyester and cell wall polysaccharides
  • Amandine Celino et Mael Peron (NU-GeM) Couplages hygro-mécaniques et durabilité de composites à fibre de lin
  • Laurent Chaunier (INRAE-BIA) Fabrication additive à partir de Zéine pour des applications biomédicales
  • Michel Coret et Sofiane Guessama (NU-ECN et INRAE-BIA) In Situ Tensile Testing under High- Speed Optical Recording to Determine Hierarchical Damage Kinetics in Flax Fibre Element
  • Ana Villares (INRAE-BIA) Cellulose-based functional materials (INRAE- BIA)
  • Patrick Rozycki (NU-ECN) Étude de composites lin/basalte/PA11
  • Benoit Duchemin (LMOC) La cellulose des NCC et NFC, apport de la DRX
  • Eric Leroy (NU-GEPEA) Apport des solvants ioniques aux agromatériaux
  • Johnny Beaugrand (INRAE-BIA) A circular approach to valorize greenhouse tomato by-products in biobased and biodegradable injected materials for horticulture sectors
  • Luisa Rocha Da Silva (NU-ECN) HPC, apprentissage et rhéologie numérique appliqués aux suspensions de fibres
  • Mohammad ROUHI Additive manufacturing and composite manufacturing at RISE AB (Sweden)
  • Closing speech: Christophe BINETRUY et Johnny BEAUGRAND

The workshop is jointly organized by INRAE, Nantes Université, and Centrale Nantes.