Workshop “Design, Control and Prototyping for Large Space Robotics”


description de l'evenement

Workshop “Design, Control and Prototyping for Large Space Robotics”

There is a growing interest in Robotics for handling and interaction tasks in large spaces: handling solutions for logistics, machining and assembly operations on/of very large parts, robotic gestures in outdoor environment, construction robotics, handling operations at sea… Solutions currently take different forms: mobile manipulators, slender robots, inflatable robots, parallel robots, cabled robots or even manipulator arms on aerial drones and anthropomorphic robots mounted on rails. Design and control issues for these solutions are multiple.

The objective of the workshop is to share recent developments on the design-control links of robots regarding operations in large spaces, and to bring together academic and industrial partners working on and/or interested in large space robots. The topics and needs raised by the industrial partners during this workshop will help to refine the drafting of specifications for equipment that will be developed and / or acquired on the “Robotics XXL” platform for the project Equipex + TIRREX,

Find the full program (in French) : 230126_GT3_GT6_TIRREX_XXL_Journee_Robotique_Grands_Espaces_v8