International Summer School: Additively Manufactured Concrete Structures

summer school

description de l'evenement

International Summer School: Additively Manufactured Concrete Structures

summer school

The International Summer School: Additively Manufactured Concrete Structures is  offered by the Ph.D. program in Structural & Geotechnical Engineering and Seismic Risk of University of Naples Federico II
(Dipartimento di Strutture per l’Ingegneria e l’Architettura). It will take place in Naples (Italy) on July 15-19, 2024.

The additive manufacturing (AM) of cementitious materials, particularly through the technique of 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP), is rapidly expanding in the construction industry with relevant developments in the material and production technologies as well as in the advanced design of high TRL projects. This growth necessitates a comprehensive understanding of various factors, including  the  control  of  material  properties  in  their  fresh  state,  structural  analysis  with reinforcement considerations, and the robust integration of applications on a large scale. Currently, there is a pressing demand for establishing a solid academic foundation among researchers engaged  in  the  digital  design-to-fabrication process  of  innovative 3D  printed structures. Enhancing technological and engineering expertise in 3DCP promises to elevate awareness within the construction field, thereby optimizing the socio-economic-environmental benefits derived from its effective implementation.

The primary objective of this Summer School is to train participants with the most advanced technical knowledge—analytical, numerical, and practical—on designing and constructing structures using 3DCP. A novel addition to this year’s program includes sessions by distinguished guest lecturers on specific research themes or practical applications of 3DCP, alongside increased opportunities for students to engage with their research activities. This initiative aims to foster exchange and discussion on these topics, promoting a richer learning experience and deeper understanding of 3DCP’s potential and challenges.


Costantino Menna – University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Freek Bos – Technical University of Munich (Germany)
Arnaud Perrot – Université Bretagne Sud (France)
Jacques Kruger – Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
