ICEF14 – Sustainable Food Manufacturing For A Resilient Food Chain

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ICEF14 – Sustainable Food Manufacturing For A Resilient Food Chain

ICEF14 – Sustainable Food Manufacturing For A Resilient Food ChainThe 14th edition of the International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF14) will take place in Nantes.

ICEF14 is endorsed by the International Association for Engineering and Food (IAEF) with the support of the SFGP (Société Française de Génie des Procédés), CNRS (National Scientific Council for Research) and INRAE (National Research Institute on Agriculture, Food and Environment).The resilience of the food supply chain is vital for the world population. ICEF14 appears as an opportunity to address these stakes and to bring together the best experts in food engineering, food processing and food science. Based on this challenge, we have created an exciting program covering a wide array of topics around the main topics of the Congress.
