Biofabrication Conference 2022, Pisa


description de l'evenement

Biofabrication Conference 2022, Pisa

The Biofabrication Conference 2022 wants to mark the importance of Biofabrication and Bioprinting by opening the boundaries and integrating the expertises with all the scientific realities, for a truly impactful research and a new leap in quality.

The conference is held each year in a different location around the world, and since the first meeting in 2006 in Manchester, where only a few people attended, it has grown into an annual event. Last year, more than 500 participants from over 20 countries attended the digital-edition Biofabrication 2021 organized by the University of Wollongong.

The Biofabrication 2022 conference aims at bringing together leading academic scientists and researchers to exchange and share their know-how and results on all aspects of Biofabrication, as is reflected in the thematic sessions, to which you can submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation, as well as 5 plenaries.

Luciano Vidal et Jean-Yves Hascoet will participate in the session Computational Models in Biofabrication, while Alexandre Dufour will speak in the session New technologies for bioprinting.